Crevice of face, old of bone, hard of limb, you still stand with unbreakable dignity

I see my mother
Creviced of face,
Old of limb,
Hard of bone

Walking with a
Gait which suggests
Has wracked her back
Her presence
Which taught
And respect
And integrity
And I see
With their mothers
And I am moved
To tell them
Of the greatness which exists
In my home
Crevice of face,
old of bone,
hard of limb,
you still stand with unbreakable dignity
resting deep on your shoulders

originally written 01/06/2011



Its like my soul

Is being forced

Through my body

Into my fingers


It is a purity of emotion

A visceral

Natural response

Which can not be stifled


of all the creatures in this world

which can be contained

the mind is an animal

fit for no cage


South London


84. South London

Malevolence seeps from ever inch of these bricks

which soak in the harsh cold rain, and streams down plate glass

like the tears streaming down the black girls

face at the bus stop as she reads texts

informing her from a considerate friend that her man is as

loyal as a rat in a sinking ship


the cars fill each of these roads

as though all the drivers read Exodus that morning and decided

they were in need of salvation


the smell of petrol and chicken and chips fills the  air

and the ground is littered with packages.

those smells seep through your skin and

Drowns into your blood stream

Mixing you with the fire of the land,

South London take you over

Like a slow acting virus

Your symptoms will kick in slow

and you will be the walking wounded before you

ever realised you were in need of a cure


Poem – London

img_926354. London

Moonlight reflects off cracked pavements
and crack dealers
hidden clouds walk these streets

lunar love sets bricks alight
in nocturnal flames

lunar love sets roads to glisten
like glaciers

and smog blankets all,
not choking like the environmentalists insist
but dressing this sleek girl
in a dirty dress

cars fly by like jealous onlookers
their bright lights fusing into the dark ether
with the other lights from shops and street lamps
dirty angels floating like apples in a stream

this is my blind date
no fancy restaurant or a visit to the theatre for her
we jump straight to the business
I breathe in dirty, smoky air

and I admire her peaks and valleys
I can watch this girl for hours,
and when she talks back
she screams and whistles, and yells and moans, and groans, and shouts and purrs,
quite the conversationalist

if she was an assortment of colours
she would be the most lucid rainbow ever
if she was music
it would be the greatest music in the history of music

if she was poetry
she would be too ineffable for words

I know because I just tried

Poem – The Sun

30. The sun

His demented rays, boil
This already dark skin
And forces the water in my skin
in a mass exodus,

oh what heat!
Oh what misery exists within that point of
And what power! speeding since time immemorial,
since that singularity collapsed
And unleashed all

brutal indecisive rage, arrogant
At knowing, His purity
In being
The ultimate of necessary evils
His future locked in a
Staggering hubris of self immolation
Of bright violence in a vacuum,
A stellar coitus, his offspring are born from his dying loins
A soundless explosion
Shaking the chair of God

Desolate yet omniscient,
we wait in a subdued horror
compelled by His

Poem – The Tiger



The Tiger

Deep clawed, suffocated in testosterone

Tiger penetrates the dust

With his cocksure walk, his curled teeth

Bared to the sun burnt world,

impetuous, arrogant

Stalwart in presence

He parts all company with the ease

of Moses parting water

This is his land

This world turns on his fulcrum of desire

The sea crashes outwards in fear

the sun shies from shining

the moon resents appearing

the ground retracts shakily

his body soaks in heat

energising his

meat fed frame to tear through the

arthritic from fear

bones of his prey

his rage ploughs through the savannah

in crippling roars

only the mountains can drown out these war cries

it humiliates the birds and the sloths

who watch on with


melting hearts

and down turned pitiful eyes

aware that a single swipe from

those cast iron limbs

could tear

beak from heart

with the ease of tearing

a flower from the ground

for tiger, the wet iron taste of blood

on his teeth is as normal for him

as watching

the rain hit the ground


Poem – “The Moth”

I rediscovered Ted Hughes a few years back and was drawn to foreboding world view on animals. Here is the first of several pieces I wrote on the subject 

51. The Moth

Time suffocates in the humidity of the room

The sun shines and the rain clings helplessly to steamed windows,

Moth remains in solitary silence,

He watches

He takes in breaths

He soaks in the heat

And when night comes

He makes darkness his home

Blanketed in fears he awaits

I stare with malevolent intent

And his wings are rigid,

Like the armour of a tank,

Hiding his crisp body

The ghouls painted on his grey/black wings

Stare back with scorn,

This king of black thoughts (and poisoned infections)

Curses my sleep,

And he remains,

poised in sinister silence,

occupying his own throne

the corner of my room,

Arrogantly biding his time

until he leaves

To toy with someone else
